Academy Awards
I have never watched an entire showing of the Academy Awards. Really, who cares about actors patting themselves on the back for their job performance? There is absolutely no sense to it. The only real measure of a film's success is how much money dos it bring in at the box office. Now, I like a good movie. I watch a bunch on my computer including most of these Academy Award nominees. 3:10 To Yuma... A good Western. No Country For Old Men... I didn't understand the ending.. Juno... An award for a movie about a pregnant teenager??? Gotta wonder... Did that movie "Duplex" a couple of years ago win anything?? I have no idea but it was really funny. And I see there will be a new Indiana Jones movie. Now that is something to look forward to. Academy Awards are Bullshit. Videos are the Internet rage. Anyone with a camcorder or webcam can be a producer! You know, some of these are pretty good. Who sent me the video of the stripper doing a magic act?? That was a real gem. Did...