Groundhog Day

Six more weeks of Winter!!

That's fine for me. Winter is pretty nice in Florida. Oh yes, there are a few cool days when you wear a sweater and sleep under a blanket but it soon warms up again.

I promised a "2007 State of the Don" message for the holidays but obviously I didn't make it. 2007 was not a good year. At this time last year I was starting to suffer depression and complained to my friends that "I had little to do and too much time to do it in.!" Life went downhill from there. By April I was in severe depression. I tied up with a young doctor who gave me very bad advice and incorrectly prescribed a high dose of Prozac. I got profoundly ill until I figured out on my own that it was the Prozac making me sick!! I did a lot of praying during this period and I will not discount the role of God in keeping me alive. After cutting out the Prozac recovery took about two months and by September I was pretty much back to normal. My hobbies filled my time (and still do), I acquired a girlfriend and a cat,

In September my LCD computer monitor (about 4 years old) died. I replaced it at a cost of $200 and just three wakes later the whole system went down and could not be recovered. I bought a budget Toshiba laptop which I am not unhappy with it except that it came with the Vista OS as most do these days. The OS was troublesome and by mid-December had become unusable. I had to do a complete system restore.

In January I figured out how to make a dual boot system and set up a partition on my hard disk with Ubuntu Linux. I am very pleased with this OS. It is such a pleasure to use the internet without worrying much about virii, and spyware.

Life in Lakeland is pretty good. There is an organization that provides seniors with a free shopping cart of supermarket items once a month. It helps a lot. I can afford my hobbies, I don't really need to work but I would not turn down a good part time job. As of now, there is no longer a Social Security penalty on my earnings.

I am looking for friends to play card games with online; Backgammon would be okay too.
Email me if you are interested.


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